General Dentist

A general dentist is one who will evaluate, diagnose, prevent and treat potential oral diseases, conditions, or disorders of the mouth. A general dentist deals primarily with nonsurgical treatments and is a doctor of dental medicine, or DMD, but in some cases dentists can provide surgery related procedures, which would be done by a doctor of [...]

Dental Office

It is important to contact a dentist right away if you have tooth pain that is on-going or causing major discomfort. Though there are many reasons for tooth pain to occur, such as decay of a tooth, and injury, or an infection, there are varying degrees of seriousness – some tooth problems can be dealt [...]

Jaw Pain Dentist

Chronic jaw pain and facial pain is a condition that many adults suffer from, with symptoms that commonly include headaches, pain when biting, tenderness of the jaw, and pain either in or around the ear. In an effort to properly diagnose the source of facial pain, a certified jaw pain dentist will need to administer [...]

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